ChemBuddy performs calculations in the following fields:
  1.  the gas laws;
  2.  solutions and solubility;
  3.  unit conversions;
  4.  stoichiometry;
  5.  and other miscellaneous calculations.
Additionally, ChemBuddy sports the following features:
  1.  a periodic table of the elements;
  2.  a molar mass calculator;
  3.  an automatic update-checker (which can be disabled);
  4.  adjustable decimal precision, up to six places;
  5.  and more!
Click here to download ChemBuddy.
Name: ChemBuddy
License: BSD
Size: 1 Mb
Language: Cocoa/Objective-C
Type: Science :: Chemistry
Download: Click here
August 2007
Credits & Acknowledgments
  1. Rob G. (testing)
  2. Paul Souza (program icon)
  3. Matt Ball (toolbar icons)
  4. Andy Matuschak (Sparkle)
Developer Links